Lasers make it possible to use light as a source of concentrated and targeted energy.
Dermatology is a field in which laser is widely used. The light ray is focused on a skin target in order to modify the structure by heating it, coagulating it or destroying it.
The field of application of lasers is increasing on a daily basis with the addition of new indications.
Laser is a high precision instrument reserved for medical use.
It can only be used by a physician who is an expert in the technique and with comprehensive knowledge of the skin.
Our equipment:
NdYag long pulse 1064 nm laser (Cutera)
AlexTrivantage 532 nm, 750 nm and 1064 nm laser (Candela)
GentleLase Alexandrite long pulse laser 755 nm (Candela)
SmartXide Dot CO2 laser and fractionated CO2 (Deka)
LimeLight pulse lamp(Cutera)
Medisol High power LED lamp (Deleo)