Excessive sweating
After wrinkles, excessive sweating (hyperhydrosis) is the most common indication for botulinum toxin.
Sweating is a natural phenomenon but in some people sweat production is disproportionate, arbitrary and unrelated to bodily needs. It is seen most commonly in the hands, underarms and feet and can constitute a real handicap to everyday living.
Apart from local treatment which is often inadequate and surgery which is not without side effects, there is a simple and effective solution to treat hyperhidrosis: botulinum toxin. Injected locally into the zone to be treated, botulinum toxin has a temporary and reversible effect which makes it very safe to use. The results are highly satisfactory from the first week for 95% of treated patients and efficacy usually lasts 7 months.
The treatment, which is very well tolerated, consists of a series of intradermal injections using fine needles after application of an anaesthetic cream.
This treatment greatly improves comfort and therefore significantly improves quality of life.